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schedule by Philip Waters

The evolution of retail trading in Asia Pacific and how to navigate it.

What is reshaping retail trading in Asia Pacific?

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schedule by Kelvin Wong

Technical analysis of USDJPY as it breaks the 200-day moving average.

Signal 4 and 8 - Hero
schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 4 and potential sell signal 8 explained

Signal 3 and 7 - Hero Image
schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 3 and potential sell signal 7 explained

schedule by Kelvin Wong

Monthly Tactical Views-key medium-term price movements in EUR/USD, Gold, and Hong Kong 33.

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schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 2 and potential sell signal 6 explained

schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 1 and potential sell signal 5 explained

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schedule by Philip Waters

2025 outlook: What to expect from the Singapore retail trading space

schedule by Kelvin Wong

2024 recap and 2025 global macro outlook

schedule by OANDA

An introduction to Granville’s rules - moving average trading rules

schedule by Kelvin Wong

How Trumponomics 2.0 and US-China tensions can shape global markets.

Introduction to the Dow Jones Industrial Average
schedule by OANDA

Introduction to the Dow Jones Industrial Average

Introduction to the Russell 2000
schedule by OANDA

Introduction to the Russell 2000

schedule by OANDA

What is the FTSE 100?

S&P 500 by OANDA (1)
schedule by OANDA

A comprehensive guide to the S&P 500 and its CFD trading

schedule by OANDA

Dive into the NASDAQ 100, benchmark of top tech stocks

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schedule by OANDA

An introduction to market order modification and cancellation in MT4

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schedule by OANDA

Introduction to MetaTrader 4

Hot Keys on MT4 (1)
schedule by OANDA

Trading through MT4 and the hot keys to use

View info on orders, positions (2)
schedule by OANDA

An introduction to viewing information on orders, positions and trade records on MT4

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schedule by OANDA

Introduction to trading the British Pound (GBP)

US election by OANDA (1) (1)
schedule by Kelvin Wong

3 key cross-assets to watch in the run-up to the US presidential election.

US election blog 2 hero image (3) (1)
schedule by Kelvin Wong

Trump versus Harris economic policies

schedule by OANDA

Understanding the United States Dollar

schedule by OANDA

An introduction to the Euro

schedule by OANDA

An Introduction to the Yen

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schedule by Kelvin Wong

3 key charts to watch for during 2024 US Election

schedule by OANDA

What is a Stock Market Index?

schedule by OANDA

How can the value of a stock market index be calculated?

schedule by OANDA

Why are stock market indices important?

schedule by OANDA

What are the limitations of stock indices?

Follow the perspectives and analysis of our market analysts to enhance the quality of your trading strategies.

schedule by Kelvin Wong

Technical analysis of USDJPY as it breaks the 200-day moving average.

schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 4 and potential sell signal 8 explained

schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 3 and potential sell signal 7 explained

schedule by Kelvin Wong

Monthly Tactical Views-key medium-term price movements in EUR/USD, Gold, and Hong Kong 33.

schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 2 and potential sell signal 6 explained

schedule by OANDA

Granville’s - moving average trading rules: Potential buy signal 1 and potential sell signal 5 explained

schedule by Kelvin Wong

2024 recap and 2025 global macro outlook

schedule by OANDA

An introduction to Granville’s rules - moving average trading rules

schedule by Kelvin Wong

How Trumponomics 2.0 and US-China tensions can shape global markets.

schedule by Kelvin Wong

3 key charts to watch for during 2024 US Election

schedule by Kelvin Wong

Trump versus Harris economic policies

schedule by Kelvin Wong

3 key cross-assets to watch in the run-up to the US presidential election.

Diversify your portfolio and trade key asset classes like forex CFDs and indices CFDs

schedule by OANDA

An introduction to the Euro

schedule by OANDA

An Introduction to the Yen

schedule by OANDA

Understanding the United States Dollar

Discover how to use powerful platforms like MetaTrader which grant access to a range of asset classes and technical tools through an easy-to-use interface.

schedule by OANDA

An introduction to market order modification and cancellation in MT4

schedule by OANDA

Introduction to MetaTrader 4

schedule by OANDA

Trading through MT4 and the hot keys to use

Views and insights from our business leaders. Our in-house analysts share their perspectives on a wide range of financial topics and discuss OANDA products and services.

schedule by Philip Waters

The evolution of retail trading in Asia Pacific and how to navigate it.

schedule by Philip Waters

2025 outlook: What to expect from the Singapore retail trading space