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The underlying contract changes on the Financial Instruments listed below. Therefore, the accounts of Clients who have open positions on these instruments will be credited or debited with additional swap points depending on the positions held.

The change of the contract and the calculation of swap points will be carried out after the end of trading day in a given instrument. Check the trading hours on the website. Customers holding limit and stop orders on a rolled instrument close to the current rate are asked to adjust them to the updated prices of the new series of underlying contact and to adjust the funds on the account to a level allowing to maintain the position after calculating swap points.


- confirmed value


- expected value


- to be announced

Date Instrument Long position Short position Position
Short - -
Long -
Short - - -
Long -
Short -

For futures based CFDs, the series of the futures contract changes over time. In the event that the Client maintains a position in such a CFD after a change of a given futures series, the result will be adjusted by the value of swap points resulting from the difference between the price of the expiring series and the price of the new series. The value of swap points will be also adjusted by the amount of the spread (maximum case) or by a value lower than tthe spread on a given instrument.

Example: The OILWTI instrument rolls over the underlying contracts from the May CLK6 series to the June CLM6 series. The base between contracts is 100 points, where the June series is quoted higher than the May series (the market is in contango). Long positions will be adjusted downward by 102.5 tick points (=100+half the OILWTI spread), while short positions will be adjusted upwards by 97.5 tick points (=100-half the OILWTI spread).

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