Mota-Engil SGPS SA

Mota-Engil SGPS SA is a renowned Portuguese multinational construction and engineering firm that operates in more than 30 countries across Europe, Africa, and Latin America. The company specializes in infrastructure projects, including transportation, energy, water, and urban development. Mota-Engil is committed to sustainability and social responsibility, and strives to deliver high-quality projects that positively impact the communities in which they operate. With over 70 years of experience in the industry, Mota-Engil has established itself as a leading player in the global construction market, known for its innovation, reliability, and excellence. The company's mission is to create value for its stakeholders by providing sustainable solutions that meet society's needs while contributing to economic growth and development.

Dettagli dello strumento Mota-Engil SGPS SA

Valore minimo dell'ordine 1
Descrizione Mota-Engil SGPS SA
Valore massimo dell'ordine 7898
Fase di transazione 1
Type Equities PT
Ore di trading monday-friday 09:01-17:29
Entità del contratto / 1 lotto Price * 1 EUR
Deposito necessario 30%
Valore di 1 pip 0.001
Leva finanziaria 3:1
Passaggio minimo 0.001
Swap lungo (giornaliero) -0.01783%
Vendita allo scoperto YES
Swap corto (giornaliero) -0.00022%
SL e TP a distanza 0
Swap di 3 giorni (data) 5

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