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ASM International NV

ASM International NV is a renowned supplier of cutting-edge equipment and solutions for the semiconductor industry. With over five decades of experience, the company offers innovative technologies that facilitate the production of advanced chips utilized in various applications, ranging from smartphones and laptops to healthcare and automotive devices. ASM's extensive portfolio comprises deposition, etch, and thermal processing equipment, as well as software and services that assist customers in optimizing their manufacturing processes. The company operates globally, with offices and facilities in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, catering to a diverse customer base that includes major semiconductor manufacturers, foundries, and research institutions. ASM is committed to sustainability and social responsibility, striving to minimize its environmental impact while promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

Instrumentenspezifikation für ASM International NV

Minimaler Auftragswert 1
Beschreibung ASM International NV
Maximaler Auftragswert 166
Transaktionsschritt 1
Type Equities NL
Trading-Zeiten monday-friday 09:01-17:29
Kontraktgöße / 1 Los Price * 1 EUR
Einzahlung erforderlich 20%
Wert von 1 Pip 0.001
Finanzielle Hebelwirkung 5:1
Minimaler Schritt 0.001
Langfristiger Swap (täglich) -0.01575%
Leerverkauf YES
Kurzfristiger Swap (täglich) -0.00231%
Abstand SL und TP 0
3-Tage-Swap (Datum) 5

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